Like An Architect

Design Your Life: Like An Architect
A Book for Life
This book teaches a process for discovering your direction in life, creating a blueprint around your desires and passions, and putting it all into action.

It’s Time to Design Your Life!
This book follows the mindset of an Architect designing a building. If you were that Architect, where would you begin? What questions need answering first, second, and so on?
I discovered that the process of designing anything, creating anything, is the same. So, we use this analogy of the Architect and apply it to our own lives. The key is that it’s a process designed to be repeated throughout your life. As you change, the course changes with you!
Know Your Direction in Life
Put Your Passions to Work
Create Your Blueprint
Live Out Your Design!

Take A Peek Inside

Five Parts

The book is broken into FIVE PARTS based on five major life-design questions: Purpose, Desires, Interests, Careers, and Action.

Each part includes one or more exercises. The exercises all have instructions, tips to do them well, and tips for things to avoid.

At the end of each part, I provide extra resources that will be helpful if you’re stuck or want to explore things a little further.

When you reach the end… a FREE graduation present awaits you : ) The support for designing your life keeps on going!

Want to Dive Deeper?
The Five Parts to Life Design
The first question we need to answer when designing ANYTHING is… What’s the purpose? If it’s a building, are we trying to create shelter, aka housing? Or are we trying to create the tallest building? Get it? The same goes for our life, and I’ll walk you through a series of short exercises to help you become aware of your own Purpose.
Dive a little deeper in this short blog post
Once we know the reason for the building we’re designing (or our life) we want to start imagining all we want it to be. All the finer details that we want. For a building, it could be how many windows, color, wood or metal, height, location, smart home, off the grid. For our lives? It’s about our desires in all the areas of our life. From our Relationships to our Health and more.
Dive a little deeper in this short blog post
It’s time to start imagining how it’s all going to come together. The first step along that route is to determine what tools we have at our disposal? And for our life, it’s what interests us? What do we enjoy and love? What do we like? I’m going to walk you through how to do this and leave you with an awesome Bonus exercise to make Part 4 (Careers), really come alive.
Dive a little deeper in this short blog post
It’s time to take our tools and skills and put them to use in “crafty” ways. It’s time to come up with career options, or entrepreneurial options. We’re going to come up with amazing and interesting ideas to give you more than enough to choose from. This is what most of you came here for and you won’t be disappointed.
Dive a little deeper in this short blog post
You’ve outlined all the major pieces of your life. You’ll now have an amazing plan. Some ideas might be set in stone, and others more flexible. Either way, to make this dream-life a reality, we need to set an amazing foundation. I’ll walk you through great ways to do this and The Archives here include some of my favorites! After this, you’ll be ready to go out and live the amazing life you’ve designed!
Dive a little deeper in this short blog post