- A formal procession of people walking, on horseback, or riding in vehicles.
Let’s Create!
** Either a story beginning, a story ending, a piece of flash fiction, a poem, painting, dance move—inspired by the word, cavalcade, where does it take me? Where does it take you?
Agabal was finally alone in the King’s quarters, and he was exhausted. Yet, despite his bodily weakness, which longed for sleep, his mind was active with excitement. The future was now open to him. Anything he wanted, dreamed about, or wanted to be removed, would be done with a simple declaration.
The servants left behind a table full of exotic fruits, flagons of wine and water, and other assorted foods. Agabal poured a cup of wine and moved to the large, semicircular balcony. He rested he elbows upon the ledge, his cup of wine dangling over, and gazed at his city below.
Just a few short hours ago…
… the streets were full of people, all gathered for the Prince’s coronation as King. It was a spectacle of color, of grandeur, as they paraded him through the streets. He waved and beamed at the citizens, at his servants, guards, and at the regents.
Agabal did his best all day to look everyone in the eye. Everyone who would surround him and know him. When they bowed, he bowed slightly less and again made sure he connected with as many people as he could face-to-face.
That was why he knew now, standing atop the grandest building for thousands of miles, that his plan worked. Agabal knew that they all believed he was Prince Gatalan. They all bought it and crowned him King Gatalan. The world was his now, and the name Agabal would be no more.
I tried to get back to having a more finished idea in these 250 words today. That this alone could be the story with a satisfying beginning, middle, and end. Yet, as always, there is the possibility for far more! This could be an excellent start to a story, and then the next chapter, we flashback in time.
From there, we would follow Agabal’s and the Prince’s journies up to the coronation. That could be the halfway point of the story. We’d learn how Agabal swapped places with the Prince.
The second half of the story could be what happened to the Prince. Let’s assume he wasn’t killed. Maybe the attempt went wrong? Now, as a storyteller, we need to know what we want. Do we want the reader to feel the desire for redemption for the Prince? Or, do we want them to feel triumph for Agabal? Who is the hero of this story?
Once you decide that, the second half of the story will be written.
What do you think of Cavalcade?
Who is the hero of this story in your mind? Also, did you catch the tie-in to the previous word, regent? Yesterday’s story used one definition of the word regent, and today’s story used the other meaning. Check it out!
Leave your thoughts, your own story beginning/ending, flash-fiction, or whatever in the comments! Where did cavalcade or my story take you?
If you liked this story, check out my podcast of short stories, More Than A Story.
Today’s word is from Word-Genius.

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