- Spoken or done without preparation.
Let’s Write…
** Either a story beginning, a story ending, a piece of flash fiction, a poem, painting, dance move—inspired by the word, extemporaneous, where does it take me? Where does it take you?
Rosie felt off. There were no other words she knew to describe the feeling. Since Rosie woke up, the odd sensation was there. She shrugged it off as perhaps just being hungry and went about her usual routine. Showered, got dressed, and then ate breakfast. Yet, after saying goodbye to her parents, after arriving at school, the feeling was still there: something off.
Biology class, first period, was dull as her teacher couldn’t seem to find another pitch in his voice. He droned on and on in his monotonous tone. The feeling in her grew. It was somehow bubbling up inside her.
When Rosie arrived at the cafeteria for lunch, the sensation was coming to the surface. She was worried, not sure what would happen when it spilled over the edge. What’s happening? she thought.
Rosie got her tray and filled it with today’s lunch special: cheeseburgers and fries. Then, she sat down with her friends.
Carla was talking a mile a minute about some other girl and picking apart her outfit for the day. Then, onto another girl’s hair. Carla didn’t bother talking low in whispers. In fact, Rosie knew Carla wanted the other girls to hear it.
“Why am I friends with Carla? She’s such a conceited… narcissistic bitch.”
The table went silent, and only then did Rosie realize that she spoke the words aloud. Rosie looked around at the shocked faces staring back at her. The feeling inside Rosie had spilled over the edge.
This one took me a while to think of something! Eventually, I focused on the end. I wanted someone to say something overtly honest, but not planning to do so. That led me to the idea of the movie, “Liar, Liar.” If you haven’t seen it, it’s with Jim Carrey, and it’s hilarious!
In the movie, Jim Carrey’s character can’t tell a lie for a whole day. He’s a lawyer, and hilarity ensues. I thought a slightly different spin would just be that this girl, Rosie, can’t hold her own thoughts back.
So, it’s not really that she can’t lie, but anything she thinks starts coming out of her mouth. Similar, but a subtle difference. It could be funny to see how it might shake things up in the High School culture of seeking popularity, and so on.
What do you think?
What would you do if all your thoughts became said aloud?
Leave your thoughts, your own story beginning/ending, flash-fiction, or whatever in the comments! Where did extemporaneous or my story take you?
If you liked this story, you may enjoy this other one-minute story, Precipitate.
Today’s word is from Word Genius.

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