[ TRUK-ul ]
- To act in a subservient manner: to submit.
Let’s Write…
** Either a story beginning, a story ending, a piece of flash fiction, a poem—inspired by the word, truckle, where does it take me? Where does it take you?
“Hey, Rick!”
“Hey Todd, what do you need?” Rick smiled at his boss.
“I need you to take over for one of Beth’s clients. The client requested you.” Todd said.
“Sure,” Rick answered. “Whatever you need. Send the info over.”
They parted ways, and Rick moseyed over to his office with his newly made cup of coffee, waving and saying good mornings to all he passed.
Beth’s former client, Annabel, wanted Rick to meet her in person to go over her portfolio. Two hours later, and Rick was leaving the office building to meet her at the local diner for lunch and numbers.
Rick sat with Annabel at a table…
…and they placed their lunch orders. Then, Annabel looked at Rick with a serious expression.
“Rick, I need you to take this”—she held up a nickel—”and stick it in the outlet under the table.”
Rick shrugged his shoulders, “No problem. Whatever you want.”
Rick bent sideways and stretched his nickel-holding hand towards the outlet in the wall. Without hesitation, he plunged the nickel into the slot, and the jolt of electricity pouring through him was instantaneous. Yet, as quick as it came, it was gone.
The lights in the diner were all out, and the socket blackened. When he looked up at Annabel, he felt strange. There was pain from the electric shock, and his ears rang, but that wasn’t it.
“Welcome to the land of the living, Rick,” Annabel said.
“I don’t understand,” Rick said, still attempting to pin-point what the strange feeling was.
“Here”—she held out a knife—”stab this into your hand.”
“No, that would hurt!”
Annabel smiled, and Rick understood.
I imagined a dystopian story here where everyone is born and outfitted with computer chip implants. They make everyone do what other people ask. Everyone does what they are told to do, period.
The backstory I imagined was that it started with a small group trying to gain control over others, but somehow, everyone, including them, get outfitted with these chips.
An entire world asleep for centuries and this one woman, Annabel, accidentally gets her chip fried through an electric shock and begins waking people up.
So, the mysteries to be unfolded are how it all happened, and also why Annabel chose Rick specifically. It doesn’t seem like a random choice, so what’s so special about Rick. There could be something about his job placement that can help Annabel with her great plan to re-awaken the world.
What do you think of Truckle?
Same old, been-done-story? Or, the potential for something different here?
Leave your thoughts, your own story beginning/ending, flash-fiction, or whatever in the comments! Where did truckle or my story take you?
If you liked this story, check out my podcast of short stories, More Than A Story. One of my stories, Nature, has a similar premise that you might enjoy!
Today’s word is from Merriam-Webster.

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